
Facebook ads in review

In this article, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about the Facebook ad review process, from how it works to speeding up and getting approval!
Published on
March 9, 2023

Once you have published your Facebook advertising campaign, before becoming live and publicly viewable, your ad will go through a Facebook review process to ensure that your Ad content is compliant with Facebook’s advertising policies. 

How does the Facebook ad review system work?

Facebook’s ad review system is primarily automated, which means that when your Facebook ad is in review, it is unlikely that a human will influence whether your ad is approved or rejected. Facebook’s automatic system will review your ad’s images, headlines, videos, text, and landing page. The automated system is generally accurate at identifying policy breaches, and occasionally, Facebook uses human reviews to train their machine learning further; however, your ad may be rejected by mistake.

Reasons why your Facebook ad is in review for longer

Generally, a Facebook ad will be in review for twenty-four hours. However, some advertisers have reported significantly longer waiting times. There are several ways that you can speed up the review process and why your ad is in review for longer than average.

  • Publishing Time: Despite the Facebook ad review process being primarily based on automation, studies have shown that the time you publish an ad can affect how long the review takes. Publishing your Facebook ads Monday-Friday between 8 AM - 8 PM will likely lead to a much faster review process.
  • Time of the Year: The more adverts that Facebook has queued to review, the longer it will take for your ad to be approved or rejected, meaning that review times are impacted by the season. For example, in the fourth quarter, ad reviews take a longer amount of time because of the higher demand for ads during Christmas. 
  • History: If you have created a limited number of ads in the past, you will be less trusted by Facebook’s advertising system, meaning that your ad will take longer to review and is more likely to face rejection.
  • Landing Page issues: If your advertisement is in a different language to your landing page, redirects to another website, or the landing page is not fully functional, this will cause issues when Facebook reviews your ad. 
  • Technical Issues: Like all tech giants, Facebook is susceptible to technology issues. Sometimes you might receive a false notification stating that your Ad has been rejected when it hasn’t, or maybe you haven’t received a notification when your ad has, infact, been reviewed. If you are concerned about how long your Facebook ad has been in review, you should always check your ads manager before taking any further action.
  • Content and policy violations: The most apparent reason why your ad is still in review or has been rejected is because of a Facebook ad policy violation. Before publishing your Facebook advertisement, you should always check to make sure that you haven’t breached any of Facebook’s guidelines or that your ad isn’t bending any rules, i.e. isn’t close to being against the rules (This can lead to a slower review process also).

Speeding up the Review Process

Suppose your Facebook ad has been in review for longer than 24 hours and doesn’t breach any advertising policies/community guidelines. In that case, you can speed up the process by contacting Facebook’s support team. To contact support:

  1. Visit the Facebook support page.
  2. Select the “Support” option from the right side of the top bar menu.
  3. Select the “Contact advertising support” button.
  4. Fill out the three-step form.
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